Tuesday, January 11, 2005

laughing in the dark

Ah - tonight - first of all I got an email from Cade which made me laugh a lot - one of his blogs is getting too many visitors! can you believe it? so as I'm replying to him, I hear a big thump, and I look around, and Malfi looks around, and there's a great big possum sitting in the kitchen!

So, I look at the possum, and Malfi looks at the possum, and I realise that my camera is in my bag which is much closer to the possum than I am, and then almost simultaneously the possum decides that it's not what it expected inside, and Malfi also decides that possums are not meant to be inside, and they both rush out.

No picture of the possum sitting in the kitchen. It might've come in looking for Malfi's dinner.

Anyway I laughed a lot.


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