This morning reading about good and bad procrastination (found it via del.icio.us). The article is more about doing the main thing, being focused on the big, important things. It's not really about procrastination at all. The author, Paul Graham, refers to the article about you and your research that I also found via del.icio.us, and bookmarked . . .
So I've been thinking about this, this urging to do the big thing, to look for the important questions and try and solve them. And I've been thinking about the discussion with Dan about obsession, thinking that maybe it is men that can afford to be
obsessed because other people do things for them, eg cooking, cleaning, washing, paying the bills and so on
Thinking that it's difficult for me to work in this house, because the computer is in the dining room cum kitchen cum living room, so people can see what I'm doing, or not doing. And to get around that I have to mentally seal myself off, put up a conscious barrier between myself and what is going on around, the sound of a spoon in a cereal bowl for example. Always, unless I get up at 5:30 am, which I could, I suppose.
Here, just for interests sake, is part of Dan's rave about death metal drummers:
You see what I mean about obsession?
So I've been thinking about this, this urging to do the big thing, to look for the important questions and try and solve them. And I've been thinking about the discussion with Dan about obsession, thinking that maybe it is men that can afford to be
obsessed because other people do things for them, eg cooking, cleaning, washing, paying the bills and so on
Thinking that it's difficult for me to work in this house, because the computer is in the dining room cum kitchen cum living room, so people can see what I'm doing, or not doing. And to get around that I have to mentally seal myself off, put up a conscious barrier between myself and what is going on around, the sound of a spoon in a cereal bowl for example. Always, unless I get up at 5:30 am, which I could, I suppose.
Here, just for interests sake, is part of Dan's rave about death metal drummers:
D N /... If you go to www.georgekollias.com there's some great stuff there; clips of him warming up and playing at clinics and stuff.
D N /... There's also (naturally) a www.tonylaureano.com and a
www.derekroddy.com - incidentally, Derek Roddy was committed to Hate Eternal and couldn't rejoin Nile.
D N /... And for a more jazzy, loose, headspinningly fast
approach, check out Cryptopsy's drummer; www.flomounier.com
(they're from Montreal).
L C/... okay, so I've checked out George, he's got long hair too . . . must be just like you and Tim C
D N/... This is all total drumnerd stuff, of course; if you're
not interested in the finer points of bomb blasts, it might all
be a bit too detailed.
D N /... Wow, I can't believe we have access!
D N /... Another wunderkind is www.timyeung.com who was Hate Eternal's first drummer (and was nicknamed "The Missile" in the credits of their first album).
D N /... On their second, when Derek Roddy took over, he was
nicknamed "One Take".
You see what I mean about obsession?
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