Wednesday, May 25, 2005


It’s poo when one of my stated goals is to be a better blogger and for some unknown reason I can’t actually get into Blogger using my eMac and Safari, or my eMac and Explorer.

Do I need to download Firefox?
Do I need to do something else that isn’t readily known to me because I can’t get into the Blogger Help files either. It’s all very peculiar.


Blogger Apprentice said...

Blogger can be a real beggar with Safari. Used to mess me about all the time. But I'm on version 1.3 v312 with OS 10.3.9 and haven't had any problems since I upgraded from the 10.2s, so I think it's one of those. Anyway, that's my top tip, so upgrade your system software.

Firefox is okay, but tbh I haven't tried it for long enough to be able to tell whether or not it plays nicely with Blogger. It's the very devil importing all your bookmarks as well.

Do let me know how you go on. Good luck!

8:53 pm  

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